a thousand thanks | looking for possibility

how often do you let yourself see possibilities?

i think we are wired to notice problems, and that exertion rarely leads to any exaltation.

as we inch closer to that crazy haze of a new year, join me in looking for the delights. those tiny reflections in any given day that tell a better story. get fresh with feeling good. learn to say “hello, LOVE. here i am. what possibilities await?” because when we look for something better without the contamination of what’s going wrong, we usually find it.

and when you know nowhere else to begin, gratitude. always gratitude.

i am grateful for candles + flowers. especially after watching this video. a narrative far more reflective of our global tribe — good humans, honest intentions, and a mighty resilience. {thank you for sharing, karen!}


and i am grateful for this father, whose response to losing his wife in paris, is stunning + brave. even in the face of such ambiguity, he gets it. grace is power — the only real power we wield.

i am grateful for the enchantment of every day. nights like this, crammed into a closet with my party of five while tornado sirens scream, become poetic. because anytime we recline in each other’s company, there is a lightness of being.


i am grateful for ruby. our carpool comrade, always enchanting the lovelies after school with her wagging tail + excessive kisses.


i am grateful for these silly distractions on facebook — with a cloud composed of words like LOVE, SHUI, and XO, i’ve decided too much of a good thing can be wonderful!


for the invitation this week to workshop with one of my favorite authors ever. he said, ” you. me.” and, i squeeed, “oui!!!” {to my point that looking for possibilities orchestrates crazy magic…}

i am grateful to live among a gratitude of birds.


and i am grateful for the poignant colors of fall. . .finally.


mostly, i am grateful for you. this communion is everything to me. your presence nourishes me — and from there, ideas + inspiration bloom. so, thank you. because from that feeling, the channels stay open and i find plenty of possibilities. xo