simple shui

'tis the season for pumpkins and apples and mums, oh my. . .

make a note on your calendar right now to purchase a yellow mum on october 9th. . . this coming tuesday.

and place the plant in the fame section of your home or office.

according to my gal pal ellen, if you keep a yellow mum purchased on october 9th alive for 27 days, your reputation and riches will grow. tremendously.


can't get your hands on a small bunch of yellow mums?

try this: place a picture of yellow mums or a packet of mum seeds in the fame space instead.

either way, this shui will stoke your prestige!

as for me, my yellows will be in the fame space on my desk. . .where i will gaze at them with the clear intention of recognition, respect, and reward coming my way!
