simple shui | a video postscript

confession: while i am learning to be comfortable making video posts, i am still working on actually watching them comfortably. my process is (1) film several takes, and (2) watch the one i feel went best…once. it keeps me from running in circles trying to get it perfect.


in my haste, i made a HUGE oversight in yesterday’s post.

i left out part of the feng shui map.



this is a postscript of what i would’ve shared about the FAME & REPUTATION section, which falls between WEALTH & PROSPERITY and LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS. and, just so you + i are in the same spot, it is that back middle part of your home or space.


it is the space to consider when we want to become well known for something we do. or we seek to establish a good reputation among our peers + community. it is also a power spot for attaining clarity around our goals, our desires, our journey. and when we want to move through life more wholeheartedly, this is where those rising energies gather. fame & reputation is likened to clinging fire, so employ the fire element in this space, and you will brightly light up your intentions.

now that we’ve really had that tall drink of shui, i hope you are taking cues from your intuition + stitching some simple shui into your house.

you have Q’s? send them my way. . .
