simple shui | Q & A

if i kept a top three list of most frequently asked Q’s, this one would be a strong contender:

what are the feng shui guidelines to beds and windows? is it not good to have your headboard against the window — better against a wall, right?

bed placement is one of those feng shui *rules* that has grown wings of its own, causing small stress tremors wherever it lands. while there are power positions for your bed, i want to emphasize two things:

(1) what you LOVE always outranks any shui suggestion.

(2) even if your bed is not in the *best* position, there are things you can do to mitigate its placement in your favor.

and with that, here is an order of bed arrangements for your consideration:

the best space for a bed is along a solid wall with no doors or windows. ideally, this space also allows you to see anyone coming through the door. and, the bed is not in alignment with the doorway — you enter the room and easily walk across without the bed blocking you.

feng shui + correct bed placement

the next best position for a bed is along a wall with windows. however, the windows are not above the headboard or bed. everything else mentioned above would remain the same.

a less favorable position is when the bed shares a wall with the doorway. since you must turn to see who comes in the door, it can create an anxious feeling of “not knowing what’s around the corner.”

other less favorable positions are when a window is above the headboard/bed or when the bed is in alignment with the door, blocking you from walking across the room.

the weakest position (and the one everyone seems familiar with} is when the foot of a bed faces the door.

{deep breaths.}

here is the spin on why bed placement is so important. we spend 1/3 of our lives in bed so shui recognizes it as a power spot, which is why there is an emphasis on getting your bed in the command position, if possible. {when i say command position, think like a mafia boss — he is usually in the back corner of a room with a wall behind him and a full view.}

a solid wall offers support in life.

a view of the doorway subconsciously makes us feel safer which allows real restoration when we sleep.

and by moving out of line with the energy coming through the door, we diminish that frenzied feeling of “running into things” in life.

all this said, our homes weren’t built with feng shui considerations. so, it is common to have a room with only one designated spot for a bed that doesn’t fit good feng shui. however, there are several ways to balance out any *negative* influences caused by bed arrangement.

should your bed sit in a less favorable position, here are my few suggestions worth a whirl:

red tape is a wonderful shui tool i use all the time. the color red activates energy, draws attention, or stops energy — it just depends on your intention. so, when windows are along the same wall and/or above a bed, i place a strip of red tape in the window frame to keep energy from leaking out. if a bed blocks access through the room, i use red tape inside the bed frame to redirect the energy around the bed. finally, when the foot of a bed is in line with the door, i recommend a foot board or small piece of furniture to stabilize energy flow.

as with any client, i encourage you to consider these bed placements and move your room around, or try a cure instead. it may sound woo-woo now, but give your efforts a few weeks and watch what happens! and if you feel even more perplexed after reading this, send me your Q. i can tweak almost any room in a snap! just like that. xo