simple shui | the real power of sacred space

it doesn’t take much for our happiness to feel hijacked, especially when dark energy is abound. with so much hatred on the loose, thick tears constantly coat my throat these days. and in a world subsisting on an instant gratification diet, it’s hard to measure out helpful responses. personally, i find myself clogged from all the noise around what’s happening. ask a question, and someone has an answer. but, is anyone listening? opinions only lend our BIG energy to the patterns at play — this insatiable need to be right, no matter the cost.

so, i choose differently. i’m staying centered by keeping my own side of the street clean. and i let shui guide me. because its respiration is more important than ever.

the energy we pour into our homes gives attention to whatever we desire. so, i speak my truth within our walls to mirror the world i want to see outside my front door. it’s a devotion to possibilities beyond my understanding; it’s a daily practice in treasuring ourselves + our immense blessings; it’s adhering to a healthy order of our things; and it’s creating sacred space where we honor our spiritual roots and cosmic connection to the whole.

when we live in fear, it overrides everything else. and until we overcome fear, self-actualization is impossible. while we have little control beyond our sidewalk, the way we live carries the silent potency to change our world.

so. . .

use high frequency words – these are our daily brush strokes. curtail complaining. be mindful of the media saturating the walls. speak consciously. pattern your language so it protects that holy connection to your intentions.

september 2013 (23)

take care of your body. choose good foods, give yourself enough sleep, sit in stillness, and practice self-care. this is energetic integrity 101. our energy fuels or flattens those around us, so your presence alone is an action. and that grace is real power.


honor rituals. wake up in gratitude, share dinners together, breathe into your creativity, love what you’ve got instead of what you want, be present and resist the vortex of future tripping, serve others, and mindfully care for your space. small, repeated efforts have mysterious ways of unveiling resolutions to our problems.


is shui an inoculation against bad things happening?


but with the internal informing the external, i know this: real change happens here.

through shui, our house becomes the prayer.

by taking care of our space, we take care of ourselves.

and from that sacred space, we feel better. become better. live better.

which enriches everything else.

feeling good means we have the courage to show up for the assignments coming our way. we walk through the fires and survive when the world cracks open. we have greater capacity for patience + listening. so, if you’re wondering what you could do today. . .

use your house for good. consider carefully the choices being made in your own home. stay connected to LOVE – the unconditional, curious, tolerant, we’ve-got-you kind of LOVE. our homes influence our thoughts. they inspire better conversations. and sacred space reminds us to reconnect and recommit to ourselves. and that kind of positive light has bold presence – it’s filled with the love + mercy that all healing requires.
