A Nook of My Own

Natalie Goldberg said, "Writing has tremendous energy." She is absolutely right. Coming back each day to pen another entry is typically filled with second thoughts and anxiety, especially when I hit the "PUBLISH" button. But, I have yet to regret rising to the occasion. So…why do I write?


I write to clear space in my head.

I write to make sense of everything I read, hear, and see.

I write because I usually have something to say and nothing to say…at the same time.

I write because I feel compelled to at least once during the course of any day.

I write because my mind is abuzz all night long with ideas.

I write to test what I believe.

I write to make things right.

I write to figure out where I stand.

I write because it is takes time and discipline.

I write because it is what I know best.

I write so I can remember.

I write because words have power — so much power, they change our reality.

I write because I love details.

I write because there is something about the process I really, really love.

I write because I learn to trust myself more every time I do.

I write because some days, I actually make it look easy.

I write because it builds my courage and confidence.

I write because it always feels right.

I write because with words, I am creating a nook of my own.

Your turn: Why do you do whatever it is you do?