Do You Hear What I Hear?

Over the last couple days, I have found myself in very similar conversations. The topic: INTUITION. And because you know how I feel about reoccurring themes in my life, I thought I might say a word (or two) about this little voice I believe we are all blessed with…to use…however we choose.


I am irrevocably convinced that each of us is born with a sixth sense — the ability to just know things without the evidence to prove we are right. However, our society is so blatantly fact driven, there is little room for going out on a ledge and saying, "Hey! I know what I know what I know" WITHOUT the proof to back your mighty self up. I learned this lesson a LONG time ago when I sought physical proof for my unexplained and very unsettling worry about a relationship. I was brushed off as a little crazy, and I quickly agreed. I mean, who did I think I was? Well, 2 years and a hell of a wake-up call later, I learned on the spot to NEVER doubt my intuition again.

How do you go about living more intuitively? Take baby steps. Begin listening and acting upon that little voice that might be suggesting you do something differently than normal. If you find yourself questioning the voice, well, your reason is bullying your intuition. And intuition is not going to get louder, trust me. It is happy to let the bully win. This is when life teaches you a lesson the hard way. But, if you listen and trust your gut, you will find that living intuitively returns to you as a sixth sense…and it will be the most welcomed addition to your repertoire.