Let's Get Physical…

It is Monday morning, and I am trying to convince myself that I want to do spin today. I have been on a 2-week exercise hiatus, and while it was "fun" and all, I am now so unmotivated to resume my routine. However, I just finished reading Brain Rules, and the cognitive benefits of me getting back on the bike are HUGE. John Medina, the author as well as a molecular biologist, offers hard and compelling research that is worth reading so next time you are cruising the aisles of your local bookstore, find this book and read, at the very least, Chapter 1.

Here are the convincing highlights for me:

  • Your risk of dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. are literally cut in half if you exercise.

  • Exercise regulates the release of 3 neurotransmitters most associated with mental health: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The longer an exercise regimen is employed, the greater the benefits. Translation: Exercise really does make you feel better!

  • Exercise increases your oxygen uptake which decreases the effects of free radicals. When we eat, our bodies break down food into usable resources. The wastes left behind are toxic and can cause mutations in your DNA. These mutations manifest as disease. Exercise increases your body's efficiency at neutralizing these toxic bi-products and eliminating them.
  • The brain's fertilizer, BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor), is increased the more we exercise. BDNF encourages the formation of new brain cells, stimulates the growth of healthy brain tissue, and keeps existing brain neurons young and healthy.
  • Exercise strengthens your muscles and bones, improves your balance, regulates your appetite, reduces your risk for cancer, buffers against the toxic effects of stress, decreases your risk for heart disease and stroke, the list can and does go on…. Conclusion: EXERCISE IS THE MAGIC BULLET!

If you think about it, our ancestors moved all day, every day. Their very survival depended on it. And from what I read and hear, so does ours. I am thinking it is time for a COMEBACK — you in?
