The Wonder from Down Under

With summer comes swimming…and swimming generally means a wet bathing suit. Without going into the details, let's just say my girls developed a, a-hem, rash of sorts. Initially, my intuition was treat them homeopathically, but since it was the last week of school, I caved. I took them into a doctor to get, what I hoped would be, a quick fix. Lesson learned. 4 days later, a tube of medicine gone, and a rash still wreaking havoc, I returned to my original gut instinct and used some tea tree oil.

Let me interrupt myself by saying I NEVER recommend anything I have not tried and had brilliant success using…the tea tree oil was no exception. Using colloidal silver gel as a base, I mixed it with a few drops of PURE tea tree oil and applied it all over each rash. I'll admit I was a teeny bit skeptical as nothing had been working. The next morning, though, I was made a true tea tree convert. Rash — be gone!!!

Tea Tree

Tea tree oil has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties because of its main ingredient — terpinen-4-ol (in case you are interested in that kind of information), which is a powerful anti-microbial agent. Tea tree oil has been proven as an effective treatment for just about anything that ails you, seriously. From treating acne, blisters, bites, rashes and hives, dandruff, and sunburns TO shingles, measles, cold sores, and the flu, TEA TREE has an excellent resume that spans thousands of years.

When buying any essential oil, make sure it is 100% pure. "Pure" guarantees it will never go bad. If it is not, a carrier oil is used that will go rancid within a couple months. I buy all my supplements from Nature's Sunshine. As a loyal customer for over 8 years, I have never come across a disappointing product. While I highly recommend this company, it never hurts to do your own research first. 

Of course I am not thrilled my girls had to suffer from an unpleasant experience, especially their last week of school; however, I am quite excited that I now know personally the power of this little, well-known natural remedy!