Today ripples into tomorrow…

Everything I read lately seems to be projecting one thought: Whatever I am experiencing now I "thought" myself into…which is rather aggravating, especially after a few challenging days. But I am not slow to the uptake, and I know the message is here for me to get so…Universe, hear me roar! I get it and I am going to share it!

Several years ago, I took an online class called Awakening Joy. Last night, I came across some of my notes…these are of the scientific variety. Basically, our ancestors…think back millions of years here…survived by paying attention to negative experiences. It was called survival. Today, survival can mean so many things, but it certainly does not involve, say, dodging dinosaurs. Right?

Because of this little brain quirk, any negative experience is labeled, filed, and stored for future reference WHICH IS WHY it is so natural for humankind to trump all hope with helplessness. You with me so far?


It is IMPORTANT to make positive events become positive experiences…you just have to focus on them and stay there awhile. Relish what feels good, nourishing, and uplifting. When your attention begins to lean toward the not-so-pleasant aspects of your day, body, job, life…STOP and reframe. Imagine a better scenario. Get emotional about it so the experience is real…and watch these feelings have a rippling effect on your tomorrows. Satisfaction and delight, here I come…