Tug of War…

"You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts."

Brian Tracy

I have a challenge for you. When you have a pocket of time next, write down 100 personal successes. If you are like me, the first 20 or so are easy. As you try to complete the list, however, the exercise may become more difficult. Suppose I asked you to come up with 100 failures?

Elephant tug of war 

We tend to get hung up on our mistakes, and because most of us don't like failure, we focus on these past experiences with an emotional intensity that can very easily cause trouble. The truth is we actually are far more successful than we think. The bar has just been set very, very high and so we don't acknowledge everything we do well. Instead, we find ourselves in a constant tug-of-war with our self esteem and overall confidence. Begin changing what you focus on by finishing this list…and then, once a week, write down at least 7 things you consider personal accomplishments. Acknowledge daily what you do well because when we are focus on our successes…

…it is only a matter of time before that is exactly what we attract!