What's Your Mantra?

One of my resolutions this year is to learn meditation. I really like this concept, syncing the subconscious with the conscious to make things happen. However, I am one anxious gal…so while 10, 20, or 30 minutes of meditation may calm me down and help me focus, what's a girl to do with the rest of the day?

Make like a monk and get a mantra…om mani padme hum. 


This is pretty standard advice circulating among the shelves of self-improvement authors at your local bookstore. I have noticed, though, a few consistent choices out there that I think are worth adopting to keep you happily focused on your desired outcomes. So, without further adieu, I share…

"Every day, and in every way, I am getting better and better."

"All is well."

"I am healthy and full of energy."

"I am earning all the money I desire doing something I love."

"I am healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Can you figure out what they all have in common? Notice that each statement is positive and in present tense. Whether you use one of these or come up with your very own, make this your mantra when you feel worry, stress, or any type of negativity reaching for you. Say your mantra out loud in the morning, in the car, before bed…make it part of who you are. Changing your behavior will affect your brain…and if you believe your mantra, so will the world. And, in my world, all is well with that outcome.