a client story: i got the JOB!

“i am feeling so drained – what can i do?”

this was a question my client asked me last fall.

we had been working on a couple *challenges* in her home – one of them being rushing chi through her home.

a few prescribed fixes were in transit, so while we waited for their delivery, i recommended a quick list of weekend shui to shore up that chi slaloming through her home (and life!).

and just like that, things did shift in an unexpected and incredibly fortunate direction!

so, if this is you now (or later), here is a peek at a couple of those suggestions straight from my email to her inbox:

TIP ONE: “one of my favorite ways to pull energy in is to light a candle. we typically don’t leave candles burning unattended, so it is a great way to summon energy into a room. also, Fire feeds Earth – and Earth has just what you need to sop up any drains!”

TIP TWO: “another possibility: placing a bigger plant in the living room and one on the dining table will introduce soil, which is very Earthy and grounding. the larger plant will also act like a bouncer, sending energy back into the living room (instead of it rushing through the house and out the glass doors).”

TIP THREE: “as i mentioned, going for more Earthy expressions (colors, shape, materials) will help contain energy, especially when we feel like our chi is being drained, the name of the game is to absorb, contain, retain – and Earth is up to that job!

by the way, adding 1-2 Earthy things in a few rooms is all you need, so this isn’t calling for an aesthetic makeover!”

TIP FOUR: “be mindful of who or what drains you, and make the effort to not wear black on those days where you are interacting with that energy. black absorbs energy, so that could be a ‘draining’ culprit.”

i shared a few more suggestions so my client could gravitate toward what felt instinctual, easily with reach and weekend-doable.

she employed a few, and within one month (!) of these adjustments – which were all prescribed to contain incoming chi – she was invited to interview for her company’s top leadership role. per her, it was completely “out of the blue!”

and within a month of that invite, she texted me this:

“I got the job! And all the Feng Shui worked because the offer was GENEROUS! THANK YOU!”

learning Feng Shui – or even hiring a consultant – isn’t about creating the perfect house or having everything look “just right.” it is about making your home work so incredibly well in your favor, those things (opportunities, feelings, outcomes) you want from life happen with a welcome and deliciously delightful ease.

as for me, i will be adding *freshly minted CEO* to the list of simple shui’s successes! xo