House Therapy

By Simple Shui


  • “I’m feeling stuck…”

    “I’m feeling stuck…”

    We get out of life what we tolerate, so change begins when we let go of whatever reinforces patterns and feelings that leave us feeling bone deep ambivalence. […]

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  • Turn Your Space into a Work of Art

    Turn Your Space into a Work of Art

    Art is subjective. So, if there is any correlation between my clients’ experiences and a piece of art, we will take a deeper dive into its potential impact. […]

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  • 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

    4 Questions to Ask Yourself

    If the energy in your home is nourishing you, you tend to feel more compelled to make more choices that benefit you. That’s why it’s important to understand […]

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  • Apartment Feng Shui

    Apartment Feng Shui

    Most of my suggestions are nimble enough to work in any space – no matter the square footage, every space will revel if you give it a wink […]

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  • Make the Entrance Entrancing

    Make the Entrance Entrancing

    The front door is a powerful influence in how we feel every day, our home’s signature way of pulling us into its embrace. With a little effort and […]

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  • Boost Your (Shui) Fitness!

    Boost Your (Shui) Fitness!

    A sense of accomplishment always rides shotgun when you choose yourself; invest in yourself; learn something new; move outside your comfort zone; when you show up for YOU. […]

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  • Feng Shui is a Practice, Not a TO DO List

    Feng Shui is a Practice, Not a TO DO List

    With Feng Shui, if you do too much too soon, there can be an undesirable reaction. It doesn’t mean that things didn’t work. It could just mean that […]

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  • The Bagua, Your Chakras and YOU!

    The Bagua, Your Chakras and YOU!

    Your home is an ecosystem that constantly interacts and converses with YOU, so know this: the two of you are always exchanging energy. This is why your PERSONAL […]

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