“My intention in taking your course was to boost my physical and mental energy.
After doing your course and implementing quite a few of your suggested fixes/adjustments, I realized that my job was taxing and affecting my overall well-being. Long story short, I started a new job at a new company about a month ago (massive credit to your shui for helping me get several opportunities to choose from too!!!). I got a massive raise — like 45% higher than my previous role — and on my first day, my new boss told me I needed to create strict boundaries between my work and personal life because working all the time is no life at all. Jaw on the floor. I’m telling you, it’s the shui!”
“I wanted to let you know that I’ve already had a major win from our first class!
Monday morning, I decided I was going to clean the windows in my living room (that are about 20 feet up) of the stickers that have been on them since the house was built 5 years ago. While I had the giant ladder out, I replaced all of the lights in my chandeliers (each of which hold 9 and had more than half burned out). As soon as I had finished half of the living room, I got a text that the person who I’ve been trying to hire to come over and remove construction debris and materials from my porch and yard for the past two years was suddenly and unexpectedly available, and he came over and cleaned it all out right as I was finishing with the other half of the living room. I’m loving the course and think it is absolutely fascinating! I’ll definitely be signing up for any future courses/groups you offer!”
“I saw so many wonderful changes after implementing elements from this course.
Last September, a dream job at a great firm came up seemingly out of nowhere and I got the job without question. My start date ended up being on my birthday. What a gift. I can’t wait to see what other things continue to shift for the better going forward.”
“I have lived in my house for 17 years. One month after I painted my door, I win ‘yard of the month!’
“I am LOVING this course so much!
You do have an incredible way of simplifying the concepts and I am learning more than I even imagined. THANK YOU SO MUCH!”
“I SOOOO enjoyed the class.
It’s given me such inspiration and I have really enjoyed loving on my house a lot during this process. I can’t wait to do more classes/work with you!”
“Thank you again for your magic and wisdom!
I am BEYOND grateful to the universe that I said ‘hell, yessss!’ to your classes! They’re hands down the best and you’re the best!”
“Taking this class was one of the best decisions I’ve made as I move into a new house.
My knowledge of shui going in was haphazard at best. By the end, I felt like I had the missing pieces I wanted and the string to thread everything together. I will absolutely be going over this stuff again and again because there’s just SO MUCH wisdom and knowledge stacked in there. If you’re thinking about taking this class…do it.”
“You should give this class to yourself.
I mean it. It will be so enjoyable that it could be part of your entertainment budget, so profoundly effective that it counts as self-development and also as an investment, and so important to your home life that it is priceless. Amanda has some kind of extraordinary way that I can’t even begin to explain, but I’m grateful there’s such an easy way to make it part of my life.”
“Before I signed up for the course, I was apprehensive due to having a smaller income and savings than I was used to.
I was unsure that spending the money right now was the right choice – but I just knew it was a wealth of knowledge. So, after lots of decluttering and shui-ing over the course of 3 months, I was finding I naturally made a big change in my wealth gua (and everywhere else) and happened to have made just enough to feel like I could splurge on the class. I signed up, put my faith in you and in shui, and not too long after I got a big check from extra cash in my escrow account I didn’t have a clue about! Talk about a sign of approval! I’m super in love with this class, the knowledge, and the way you teach it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Last week I did my House Reset that I traditionally do at the beginning of a new year.
I ended it with a Clearing Ceremony the way you teach it in the course. It was so beautiful (and intense I have to say). Thank you for your teachings! I am so much looking forward to the certification.”
“There was never any doubt that whatever you are teaching is going to work and help me and my life.
Thank you so very much for a fantastic and lovely time. I’ve taken in so much information, I could write my own book. I know it will only enhance my practice in so many ways that I haven’t even thought of right now. I plan to go over everything starting with level I and really integrate and assimilate. You are the best Feng Shui teacher I could ever have.”
“Your course and guidance helped me ground back into my home, my Feng Shui roots and start recreating a home space that I am completely comfortable in now.
I am happy to report that I will start my 3rd and final year of grad school (art therapy and counseling) this Fall, I have opened a community art studio, been making and selling art, and hosting art making groups AND feeling confident single mom-ing my 16 year old! Much of this all began developing late spring 2021—shortly after your course. It’s kind of amazing when I look back- nothing short of a miracle.”
“Your energetic spirit was sent to me through social media.
I am a skeptic because I find so many people are monetizing their gifts and it’s a total turn off when I find they are fakes. You are authentic and genuine. These modules have brought many answers to questions I have had for years and your spiritual language is my spiritual language. I look forward to pursuing more of what you have to share. I have so much to get done, and I am looking forward to continue each day and think of you and your positive disposition.”
“I absolutely LOVED your course, and I want to THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this beautiful offering.
I am so encouraged and inspired by you and who you are! I LOVE how you show up and present not only the beauty of Feng Shui but also yourself. You truly have a gift!! Please know you have greatly impacted my life! My journey with Feng Shui has been a beginning of healing for me in more ways than I saw coming. I loved this journey and again want to thank you for sharing yourself in the classes! Much love and gratitude…”
“Your classes are not just educational; they’re an investment that pays dividends year after year. I find them nothing short of phenomenal.
Thank you for being an amazing teacher, Amanda! Your passion, expertise, and generosity truly create a transformative learning experience, and I feel fortunate to be a part of it! Thanks so much!”
“I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying this class.
It’s fun to learn about what I have done instinctually all these years and what I always felt was my design ‘spidey sense’ is guided by the energy in the space. It’s like my body and spirit always knew this stuff but couldn’t put it into words. The class has jolted me with energy and excitement for what the future holds for me and my career path. I would love to focus more on Feng Shui moving forward as a value add to my real estate business. It’s the perfect blend of beauty, woo, and practically that I gravitate toward. I just thought I would drop you a little love note to let you know I’m LOVING it all!”
“I absolutely loved this course.
There is so much to learn and digest, and I’m looking forward to even more. I thought I loved my home when I started the course but I now have an even deeper appreciation and love for it. I want to implement things not only to benefit us but for our house as well.”