a simple salt ritual I swear by…
every year, we sprinkle sea salt around our home’s property periphery to create an energetic dome that absorbs / detours any negative energy that might come our direction.
we also refresh our pinch of salt at the front door monthly.
occasionally – and especially during times of feeling a little more protection is needed – we will blend up and work with black salt.

to make a black salt blend, you need 2 ingredients:
· coarse sea or kosher salt
· fire pit ashes, activated charcoal, or black pepper
to make a black salt blend, here are your super simple instructions:
combine the salt and ashes.
if you LOVE working with the moon phases, I suggest mixing this concoction with the dark moon, which is believed to “heighten” its protective properties.
and then, depending on the “weather” you’re in, here are a few optional additions:
rosemary essential oil – a few drops added create protection from harmful people. it can also be used to protect the home or bless a space. (this is our house GO TO mix!)
cayenne powder – this combo dispels anger and helps you “manage” hard-to-handle relatives / neighbors.
lavender essential oil – if you sense something is “in the air” and it has you worried, or you’re battling anxiety, this is a great mixture.
cinnamon essential oil – when you have a hunch things are going “bump in the night”, cinnamon has serious flex! one note: when working with cinnamon EO, exercise caution – it can burn the skin if you’re not careful. xo