are you rabbit hole hopping?

does this sound familiar?

when you first discovered Feng Shui, you immediately went down a rabbit hole.

and there were / are so many rabbit holes: books, podcasts, Google school, social media profiles…

so, you lost hours in those rabbit holes.

and while you were there, you noticed patterns, like…

your home can be mapped out into ‘life areas’…

‘everything is energy’, so take a good audit of your surroundings…

fresh, living things (like flowers, fruit) are ‘good’ for you and your space…

your front door matters…

and the list goes on.

these suggestions become so ubiquitous, you eventually feel like you ‘know’ Feng Shui.


that is EXACTLY what I thought, too.

after reading a decent stack of books and having several consultations in our home, I decided I ‘knew’ enough and was ready to start talking to people about their homes and shui.

I was so emboldened with this idea that I eagerly called my mentor, Ellen Whitehurst, and told her the good news.

and as any good mentor would do (as I have come to learn), she told me I had no business doing any sort of thing until I had respectfully studied and completed a formal training program.

wind out of my sails? check.

tail between my legs? check.

red in the cheeks? check, check, check.

the thing is, though, I didn’t once think to question or challenge Ellen because I had learned so much from her, and I respected her opinion and guidance tremendously.

so, I enrolled in my first certification program with Terah Kathryn Collins – and within 6 months, I had completed it.

and once again, I thought I was ready to take the world on a shui tour, so I wasted no time.

I submitted an article to a popular platform, and when the article dropped on Saturday, it went viral.

by Monday morning, there were comments from ‘seasoned’ practitioners suggesting I didn’t know Feng Shui. I wasn’t actually practicing Feng Shui. I was ‘bad news’ for the community.

(note: with some seasoning of my own now, I see this all a little differently, but at the time…)

was I humiliated? yes.

did I feel awful? absolutely.

was I worried? totally.

so, I enrolled in a ‘rigorous’ school and learned Compass, Flying Stars, 9 Star Ki, etc…

and when I finished that program, I committed to practicing those approaches exclusively for a couple years.

I also continued to study shui with experts and masters, exposing myself to as much wisdom as I could.

and somewhere along the way of this journey, I realized two things:

1 / there are many paths up the same mountain when it comes to shui. every path (practice) is rich with wisdom and has something to offer, which means no one school / thought / approach is sovereign or supreme.

2 / because of the varying interpretations of shui, those rabbit holes offer conflicting guidance when we’re learning Feng Shui – mostly because we take an “inch deep and mile wide” approach to the principles.

but – and this one is juicy…

there is a thread of genius that runs through them all.

it is why ‘simple shui’ exists.

that thread of genius is the common ground all the schools, approaches and interpretations share.

without all those stumbles and fumbles, I would’ve never learned that.

which is why, for me, it is imperative that what you learn from me honors as much of that consistency within all the approaches as possible.

this is also why my course focuses on what is true within most shui approaches in the vein of energetic improvement.


if you’ve dabbled with shui, spent hours rabbit hole hopping, love working with your own or other people’s spaces, if you appreciate the influence our homes hold over us and our lives…


and sooner than later because…

until August 1st, you have access to the live class versions of the modules – and trust me, this kind of proximity to my expertise and stories helps the learning hit so much deeper.

the doors to access BYOFSC also close, and at the end of August, the only way to access this 6-week course will be through a new bundle for double the price.

I say it all the time, but…

your house can change your life, and I really do want to show you HOW.

and inside this course, I am providing you everything I wished I had known when I was learning shui. so, give up the rabbit holes and grab your seat – hope to see you there! xo