Bird Leaves

The bright chatter of my lovelies has me crazy {some days} and happy {other days}, but it always makes me laugh. Yesterday afternoon, there was a very. serious. discussion. about bird leaves. "Bird leaves?" I say. To which I received a rather satisfying answer. "You know, bird feathers. But they are really bird leaves. And they bring good luck."

Of course they do.

Racing in the Rain July 2008 (49) 16x20 tall

What I relish most about these very composed declarations is how anchored their sentiments are. My girlies have the audacity to think big…and dream even bigger. I see it in their honest eyes and boundless smiles as they wake up every day willing to be themselves. 

And so should you. No reinventions. Ponder growth instead. Take time to organically discover you. More fully. Because the real "privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." {Joseph Campbell}