simple shui | seriously, it is ALL good!
when i am asked to validate one Feng Shui approach over another – i won’t. and i cringe a little every time a shui expert criticizes an approach that isn’t his/her own. i believe we (practitioners, teachers, and experts) need to collectively encourage exploring any type of shui that resonates with you; feels good to you, and makes you curious enough to follow its guidance. this is how you step onto the shui path!

here’s why:
all Feng Shui interpretations prescribe to 3 beliefs, and those include the awareness of:
(1) HEAVEN LUCK (astrology) – you know, the calculations that help you work with the energy in motion rather than against it.
(2) EARTH LUCK – this is where Feng Shui comes into play! it is the remedies and cures, every enhancement and energy manipulator. EARTH LUCK is where we have an opportunity to exert influence on our circumstances.
(3) (WO)MAN LUCK (personal energy) – say hello to accountability! Feng Shui stands a better chance of success when we work in tandem with our own chi. (which is why it is SO smart to get your shui on before you need its immediate help or intervention!)
when i consider that shui factors in all 3 branches of luck…
and contemplate that for thousands of years this was an oral tradition that changed based on revolutions and evolutions…
or think about the myriad of ways ‘energy’ itself is interpreted and understood – from medicinal to Shamanistic and beyond…
it feels naïve to assume that there is only one branch of Feng Shui that is correct. and it seems impossible that there would be only one interpretation of Feng Shui that effectively mitigates and moderates challenges +/or enhances and improves our chances for success. so, as you consider the Feng Shui you’ve learned here and what you pick up in your own studying, welcome it all to the table. because every single one is a portal to enhance your life! xo