hello, 49!
I turned 49 on Monday, and I am feeling every ounce of grateful for each year. so, in a celebratory nod to the journey here, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned along the way – here’s a glimpse at what I carry with me:
make your bed – it’s worth the effort.
ask questions – there are no “dumb” ones.
listen to your gut – every time.
buy the flowers – the splurge never disappoints.
hug your kids until they let go.
pursue quality over quantity – even if it requires patience.
figure out what you LOVE most in your day, and indulge yourself. for me, good coffee is a non-negotiable.
do the next obvious thing, whenever you don’t know what to do next.
take the nap.
add time to whatever you’re doing – everything takes a little longer than you expect.
buy the books – you’re supporting an artist, a creator, a storyteller with that purchase!
prioritize having fun for the sake of fun, not profit.
invest in yourself every year – knowledge and wisdom are something no one can take from you.
travel – you’ll have way more faith in the world if you meet it.
go for a walk daily (or as often as possible).
hire help, especially if it gives you time back in your day.
relax every part of your body once a day – feel your eyebrows relax, let your jaw soften…
support small businesses and artists – your dollar means so much more than a sale.
keep a journal – you’ll forget way more than you think.
beware of getting too comfortable – that can become a rut quickly.
remind yourself you don’t have the answer yet when you’re in a tough spot.
prepare like the opportunity is knocking on your door tomorrow.
wear sunscreen – and don’t forget your hands!
write love notes to your friends, family, people in your chosen communities – words of affirmation change lives.
hold yourself to one “impossible” goal every year, and then make it happen!

dress the part, and you’ll act the part.
edit first; add second – in your expectations, your closet and home, your life.
tell your people you LOVE them.
imagine that difficult person as a small child; let that compassion help you navigate the situation.
driving with the windows down and the music up is therapeutic.
burying yourself in a book is way more satisfying than scrolling your phone.
carry a notebook and pen with you so you can take notes.
unplug more – you won’t miss it once you do.
pay attention to the details.
ask yourself, “How can I make this easier?”
start a “100 Successes” list – and complete it. Read it, add to it, make celebration part of your life.
watch (or catch a glimpse of) a sunset or sunrise at least once a month.
be generous with compliments.
bet on yourself – you’ve got this!
express gratitude daily – journal, say it out loud, tell someone.
keep “health” at the top of your list – without it, nothing else matters.
put yourself “up” every time you put yourself down.
avoid the rooms where you’re the smartest person.
compromise is the secret ingredient in enduring relationships.
show up.
hope is currency; gift it to others.
don’t let “what if” keep you living a small life – take the risk, say what’s on your mind, make the BIG ask, go where you think you can’t.
cleaning your house does make everything feel a little better.
savor something every single day – a moment, a morsel, a memory – until you’re smiling! xo