hello, january!
fresh month, fresh start, fresh year – what’s not to love? and to get the party started, have i got a TO DO list for you…
TIP ONE: have a tech free day – and do this (at least) once a month.
this means UNPLUG and spend time by yourself or with loved ones – off social media, without Netflix, zero texting. if you haven’t read 24/6 (by Tiffany Shlain), i highly recommend it!
TIP TWO: plan a vacation (or book a retreat).
i always LOVE having something on the calendar to look forward to – right now, it’s a trip to Mexico City in March! no matter the destination, though, they all share a common thread: it is an escape from the ordinary. new places and getaway spaces are chock full of stimulus, and stimulus stimulates. so, it is not uncommon to experience a creative shift when we are away from our predictable environments.
to make the most outta that “refresh” when you return home, move things around. you want to disrupt some of the familiarity so that whatever it is new that you want to see through has a chance of *landing* in your space and being reinforced.

TIP THREE: buy a reusable water bottle.
sustainability: check! more water intake: check! glowing skin, healthier body, better conduit of inspiration: check, check, check!
also, water is the element that restores our energy; keeps us feeling nourished; and provides life giving support. interestingly enough, it is the element that is most often missing or lacking in homes i consult, so this is a brilliant way to give it shotgun privileges!
TIP FOUR: schedule your yearly exams.
our personal chi is SO influential in our homes that we can’t co-opt the changes we want to take place with our shui moves alone. we gotta cooperate by keeping our own chi movin’ and groovin’, too! so, this is an easy way to make sure your energy is in tip top shape right from the start (of the new year!).
TIP FIVE: organize your bathroom counters.
despite what you may have heard about bathrooms (in the context of shui), they are VIPs (very important places) as we often start and end our days in them – which means if those counters are hosting chaos, you’re likely carrying a little of that with you. clutter in the bathroom interferes with elimination and any general health issues. so, if you notice you have a hard time letting go of things, check those bathroom cabinets and drawers, too! xo