hello, January!
it’s the first few days inside this brand-new year, so as January begins our march forward, here are 5 simple shui tips to make the most of the crisp energy in the air!
TIP ONE: build a ‘go bag’
I created my first legit ‘GO BAG’ when I was traveling back and forth to Vancouver monthly. instead of wrangling together all the right cords, chargers, ear buds…before every trip, I bought myself one of everything needed, tucked them into this little tech organizer, and it now lives in my carry-on. one of the best investments EVER as it has truly spared me so much time (and decision fatigue)!
I am now doing the same for my travel makeup bag. I also have a mini hybrid of both (tech and makeup) for my purse!
TIP TWO: invest in good hangers
when it comes to purging your closet, upgrading your wardrobe or both (!), we so often overlook how we ‘house’ our current inventory. so, this is the year – if you haven’t already – to start investing in the same hangers.
I’ve shared this repeatedly over the years, but I didn’t buy all our wooden hangers in one fell swoop. I invested in a couple sets at a time until our entire closet was streamlined.
so, as someone who has adopted this strategy, let me tell you what you’re efforting toward:
+ when you invest in hangers, you’re not as ‘eager’ to buy another pack of cheap ones to hang even more new clothes on. instead, you consider what you might release to make room for anything new you buy.
+ if you choose wooden hangers, they take up a little more space so they become a form of accountability and space management, too. (not enough closet space to go with the wooden hangers? try these copper ones.)
+ your investment will elicit a gorgeous feeling every time you open that closet because it will feel so much more organized.

TIP THREE: cut the cords
you know, that mystery box, bag or bundle of random cords and chargers that you never, ever need? let it go! and for those who are feeling the “what if worry”, this article might help!
TIP FOUR: improve productivity with a stack of 4×6 cards
almost 20 years ago, I started writing down the 3-5 most important things I needed to accomplish each day onto a 4×6 index card.
almost 10 years ago, I started writing down a weekly dinner menu on a 4×6 card.
so, I am pulling from real experience here – what you write down has an eerie way of making sure it gets done! and while I don’t have the last 20 years of daily TO DOs around still, I do have quite a few of those ‘weekly menus’ – and today, I can simply go pull one and have our entire week’s menu figured out in a snap!
TIP FIVE: give thanks!
if you have been scrolling the socials over the holidays, you have likely seen this one:
grab a jar, a stack of cards or strips of paper and a couple pens, markers or pencils. once a week, write down one good thing that happened. when New Year’s Eve rolls around next, you will have a jar full of why the year was AHHH-MAZING!
want a few more ideas? check out last year’s post and the previous year’s post, too! xo