house therapy | do you ‘shui and hide’?

Feng Shui will give you exactly what you asked for, but not always in the way you expected – and that’s where most people start running.

this is something I’ve seen happen for almost two decades, and I have a name for it: shui and hide.

here’s how it happens…

you come to Feng Shui because something feels stuck, out of reach, or not unfolding the way you expected. you start shifting your space, and suddenly—opportunities start moving. doors open. energy stirs. momentum builds.

and then?

you hesitate.
you question.
you hide.

because the moment things start moving faster than your mind is ready for, the resistance kicks in.

  • “This wasn’t supposed to happen this way.”
  • “This isn’t the opportunity I wanted.”
  • “This feels uncomfortable, so maybe it’s not working.”

here’s the truth: Feng Shui doesn’t just manifest what you want. it reveals what needs to be cleared before you can have it.

and if you don’t understand that?

you’ll mistake your breakthrough for a breakdown.
you’ll walk away from your own expansion.
you’ll start hiding from exactly what you called in.

in this week’s episode of House Therapy, we explore the most common ways people get in their own way (when it comes to shui), so give this one a listen! xo