house therapy: “I’m feeling stuck…”

“I’m feeling stuck. I’ve often struggled with loving my space because I do keep everything, but of course that ends up being overwhelming. There’s no natural light and the walls are flat with no space for shelving. Most of my stuff still sits in storage as well. I hold onto old clothes and magazines. There is a lot of dead and empty energy that feels stuck in the apartment. I moved around and threw out 27 things, but it hasn’t felt like any difference has been made.

How do you make peace with the space you can afford?”

I LOVE this Q so much because no matter the budget, the space, the resources. . .we all relate to feeling stuck.

and for anyone listening that has this notion that making change needs to be costly, that it is only afforded to those with ‘big’ budgets so they hold out because they’ll make changes when they have cash…

money can’t flow until the energy around you flows, too.

so, that’s where we’re starting this week on House Therapy.

give it a listen, and if you LOVE, please leave the show a rating and review. your dollop of your LOVE lets others know this conversation is one to stick around for…and it always, always puts a SMILE on my face! xo