house therapy | mothering your home

earlier this month, I was scrolling through some of the workshops I taught this year, and there was one in particular that proposed a question I LOVED:

how can we “mother” our homes?

the conversation this inspired was so fabulous, I want to add it to your musings as you think about 2024 – and any new intentions you have for yourself and the year because if you let your home help, you are in for a delightful surprise.

whenever we love our homes, that energy is reciprocated back in truly transformational ways – which means that like any relationship, your home requires consistent attention from you.

enJOY this week’s episode of House Therapy! and if you LOVE these weekly episodes, leave a little of that with a rating and review for the show – it gives new listeners a quick glimpse into what we’re all about and it has me happy dancing the rest of the week! xo