house therapy | shui life lessons, part one

I recently spent some time researching Feng Shui via Google – and to no surprise here, there is a lot of confusion about it.

the principles are often complex.

the contradictions are intimidating, and there are oodles of misconceptions and ideas about the rules and taboos.

there’s confusion galore over the application of its principles, suggestions and recommendations.

and there is an overwhelm connecting the dots between various factors (like colors, furniture placement, energy flow, etc.).

the best way to clear a lot of this up is to work (or study) with a seasoned practitioner. I would LOVE for you to be in my Become Your Own Feng Shui Consultant course (of course!) because it provides a connect-the-dots approach to working with shui, and you have access to expertise (me!) that ensures any confusion evaporates quickly.

however, I have another idea that can help, too – and that is distilling the shui into life lessons.

when we’re new to something, we want to get everything exactly right. lived experience, though, tumbles out some of that creasing that comes with worrying about making mistakes. you discover there’s more room for interpretation because, well, things rarely happen by the book, right?

I am sharing the first five (of ten!) in this week’s episode of House Therapy, so give it a listen and then leave the show a little GLOW with a review / rating! your Midas touch helps more people discover House Therapy, and that is always a *day made* win over here! xo