my take on “that’s bad Feng Shui…”
i was recently asked why some Feng Shui experts discourage plants in the bedroom and invited to weigh in with my response.
and because the question correlates with SO much of the unnecessary confusion around shui, let me say this: shui is a layered, ancient, intuitive practice. it takes years to develop even a simple fluency for it, as it should. otherwise, and often in novice or newbie or “knows enough to be dangerous” hands, things quickly get labeled ‘bad’ or ‘unlucky.’ and while i won’t speak for you, ‘bad’ is straight up worry fertilizer. we are wired to avoid ‘bad’ at all costs as a means for survival — it goes that deep. so when someone casually drops ‘bad Feng Shui’ into a conversation about someone’s home — a SACRED SPACE, it changes the way the person perceives their home. and because a home is a metaphor for life, it ripples into all parts of a person’s experience. so, a-hem, please be mindful of ‘bad Feng Shui’ prescriptions if/when you aren’t really sure.
while there are challenges +/or less favorable aspects to living or working spaces, seasoned practitioners rarely pivot to the notion of ‘bad.’ and in my experience, a one-size (or cure)-fits-all isn’t a pure or true Feng Shui approach. LOVE is the soul of this practice. and its wisdom — in the right hands — works without anyone feeling worried, powerless, or wounded. xo