New Year, New You


Every now and again, a magazine cover completely enraptures me…and sends my soul soaring. Harper's Bazaar's January issue features Kate Hudson, and it has not left my bedside since it arrived. She is dripping with gorgeousness and is so visually intoxicating…somehow I feel completely rearranged by it. I mean, the smile, the legs, the hair, the flowers, the canvas of colors, the city…I can't stop looking. And, then, the connection exploded for me. She exudes happiness…radiating contagious enthusiasm…and isn't that what we all really chase? Whatever you desire, ask yourself Why?, and chances are the answer will land you somewhere along "It will make me happy, happy, HAPPY!"

By December, I am thinking forward to a promising and transformative new year. What do you want for yourself in 2010? For me, I intend to break out of my tedium — this year, my dreams are to create an even wider orbit for myself, have potent goals and expectations, and live each day expecting splendor. Yes, that is exactly my theme for 2010. Splendor and happiness. And even though I can't "see the whole staircase"* yet, this year will be, for me, all about "taking the first step"* anyway!

Image copied from Harper's Bazaar website.

*Martin Luther King, Jr.