Everything Happens in the Kitchen
Here’s what I love about the kitchen. We’re fed and nourished here. We cook, pay our bills, and help our kids with homework here. We drink our coffee here, host gatherings, enjoy impromptu conversations here. Whether it’s opening a bottle of wine while we bake or doing family game night around the table, when we ask people about some of their best memories, think about how many center around a kitchen.
It’s interesting to note, too, that one of the best investments we can make when renovating space in a home is the kitchen.
The kitchen in Feng Shui is synonymous with wealth – and wealth, when it comes to shui, has a generous definition. Wealth is our money, but it’s also our family and friends, our resources and access to opportunities, it is our health. Wealth is all the threads that create the fabric of a good life. The idea here: if you’re fortunate enough to have the resources to feed many mouths, you are wealthy – both in family, fortune, and good health.
But. The kitchen can only stoke our prosperity if we use it.
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