House Therapy
By Simple Shui
Coaches, This Is for You!
Successful coaches don’t just focus on strategy—they know the environment plays a role in how they feel, how they level up, and even their income potential. RESOURCES: […]
Do You Shui and Hide?
People come to Feng Shui because they are seeking something: movement, clarity, expansion. And the second they find it? They hide. Here’s why. RESOURCES: subscribe to […]
5 Ways Feng Shui Changed My Life
Feng Shui is a life skill. One that will change the way you live, work, and thrive. Here are five ways it has changed my life. RESOURCES: […]
The Energetic Price of Holding onto Too Much
If you’re looking at that one space in your home—the one that drains you, the one you keep ignoring—let me ask you: Aren’t you a little curious what […]
Why Your Home Feels Different – Even If You Can’t Explain It
Feng Shui isn’t something you just read about and suddenly “get.” You can learn the principles—yin and yang, the five elements, energy flow—but orchestrating it in your home […]
Is Your Home Holding You Back?
Your space is supposed to reflect you—your energy, your story, your desires. But what happens when it doesn’t? RESOURCES: subscribe to the newsletter | Simple Shui […]
Shui Isn’t a Shield–It’s a Spotlight
Where there is light, there are shadows. Shui practitioners aren’t spared from challenges—we’re just better equipped to interpret and navigate them. RESOURCES: subscribe to the newsletter […]
Why Your Home Hacks Aren’t Working
When people reach out to me – feeling overwhelmed, untethered, confused, or disappointed that shui isn’t working for them like it ‘seems’ to be for everyone else – […]
Happy Lunar New Year!
The Lunar New Year is a 15-day celebration, which means you have 15 days to start something new, to celebrate, and to make the very most of the […]

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