Q & A: are there ever plants Feng Shui recommends not using?
Q: “are there ever plants Feng Shui recommends not using?”
A: the short answer is YES, but there are nuances (watch this). however, here are 3 plant situations to be mindful of:
#1: sharp, thorny plants at an entrance. the idea behind eliminating sharp spiky plants by the door is simple – they emit sha chi – which feels dangerous. subconsciously, we know the thorns can prick us, so our subconscious is on alert. and ideally, we want people to feel welcome and safe approaching the door. now does this “always” apply? no — you can watch this video for deets.

#2: BIG plants in the bedroom. if you have a FIG in yours and its living its best life and so are you, disregard. however, if you have having any trouble sleeping; you don’t feel like you are rebounding from challenges (health or otherwise); or you are having problems in your relationships – especially of the third party kind – move your BIG plant to another room. plants are energy enhancers – and the bigger the size, the more energy they create. while green chi is always welcome in a home, in a bedroom, this can create a conflict of interest because it is the space where you are trying to rest. (also, on an interesting side note, i had a shui teacher once tell me that large plants in the bedroom are equivalent to having someone else in the bedroom. so, you know, play it safe if those concerns hover.)
#3: struggling plants – of any variety. years ago, i was trying to rehab several plants. it wasn’t going well, and i wasn’t feeling great overall in my life. i finally decided to let the plants go. the chi in our home changed immediately — like, WHOA and WOW. listen, i am here for waiting for the orchids to re-bloom (talk about seriously satisfying!). and i’m here for pruning something almost naked so it can come back more robustly. but when the plants are more dead than alive, this is absolutely affecting your chi and the chi of everyone around you. compost, go to the nursery and ask for help, or let them go. should you hold onto them, keep those rehabbers out of the bedroom and the middle of your house. both areas impact your overall well-being, so healthy and happy here are absolutely required. xo