Q & A: how can I add Fire?
for the last several weeks, I have been in the deep end upgrading my course – which is how I ended up in my email archives. at the end of every BYOFSC module, I answer Qs that came up when I taught the course live, and that’s how we landed on today’s question.
Q: any insight into how I can add fire without feeling like I am trying to be someone I am not?
Fire is the element of enthusiasm, connection and passion, so it might ‘seem’ like Fire is an exclusively extroverted element. I assure you it is not, so here are a few ways to bring in its vibrancy without ‘changing your personality’:
no. 1: assertiveness, decisiveness, and confidence are all Fire expressions, too. so, are there areas in your life where you can show up with that energy?
no. 2: self-love practices nod to Fire energy, so are you doing things regularly for yourself without any expectation for results? joy for the sake of joy (not an outcome) is Fire energy!
no. 3: create a ritual for working with real Fire every day – lighting a candle; stoking all the burners on the stove (if it’s a gas top); starting the day with incense; etc.
no. 4: work the colors of Fire into your wardrobe – and remember, it does not have to be seen to count, so if reds / oranges / pinks (hot colors) feel ostentatious, consider those hues for your lingerie, socks, or even accessories.

no. 5: taking any more trips this year? if the opportunity to light a bonfire (or fire pit) is possible, do that every day you’re there. likewise, if you have an outdoor fireplace, stoke it up and sit around it more often.
(this is not a paid or commissioned endorsement: I bought my husband a Solo Stove a couple years ago, and he LOVES sitting around it – in fact, with fall nearby, you will see me posting fireside stories over on Instagram practically every weekend. he LOVES it that much!)
no. 6: do you like to entertain in your home? if so, consider starting a book club. socializing is fabulous for Fire energy!
no. 7: watch comedies or stand-up – laughing and joy are fabulous Fire fertilizer.
no. 8: spend a little time in the sun every day – especially while it is out and warm!
no. 9: start paying attention to what your favorite things are – are those given good geography in your home? when you are surrounded by LOVE, it lights your Fire, baby! xo