Q & A: I am single, and the love corner is in my roommate’s bedroom. how do I navigate this?
Q: I live in a 2-bedroom apartment in New York with my brother. during the pandemic, his fiancé got rid of his place in the city and bought a house upstate, and moved in with us in the city.
here’s my question:
the bagua of our apartment places the love and romance corner squarely in their bedroom. I am single and would like to be in relationship so have implemented your suggestions to remove single imagery, pair up objects, and equalize space, but are there other things I can be doing? how do I best navigate such an impactful section of my home being squarely out of my energetic purview?
A: first and foremost, your chi has the biggest influence on your space, so use this knowledge to your benefit! and then, remember that shui has pockets full of curative options, so you absolutely have opportunities (plural!) to maximize the Love energy in other spaces that it resides in your home.

no 1: my first suggestion is going to take us into working the environmental metaphors…
if you had a relationship, what do you think would change in your apartment? whatever you just thought is a really good place to start – meaning, there’s a good chance a couple ideas are something you can implement now AS IF.
AS IF means being be deliberate about what you’re wanting to feel / create / become.
AS IF means making the changes in your environment that suggest you are already in a relationship.
a few other thoughts:
no. 2: in the LOVE corner of your bedroom, place something here – it can be an item you LOVE, art you’ve chosen, fresh flowers, or a plant with round leaves (that will stay healthy) – that represents a healthy relationship to you. the closer we are to something, the stronger its influence – and lucky for us, this includes the metaphors, too.
no. 3: create a little room in your closet for a partner. I know it’s probably precious real estate, but we’re doing this to get your brain into the *inevitability* of a partner who plans to stay. a few hangers and a little room for shoes (+/or create some space in the bathroom), and you’re off to a FAB start.
no. 4: take a quick inventory of anything in your home that suggests solo energy. it could be art or photos of something or someone by itself. it could be the one nightstand in the bedroom. if there are too many things that suggest “party of one”, that is a subtle but consistent message being reinforced in your environment.
there are all sorts of ways to get creative with this, too…
say you have one chair in the bedroom and there’s not room for another – I totally get that! try working with a remedy one of my early teachers shared, and that is to take a photo of another chair (this could be out of a magazine or printed from online), and place it somewhere in the vicinity of the current chair. it doesn’t need to be seen to work – we are simply *pairing* it off.
no. 5: finally, remember you can micro-dose the shui for Love around the house – which includes the Love corner of every room. and if that doesn’t work, the living room can be used as a small version of your entire house. so, if you ever come across a Love remedy that doesn’t have an obvious placement in its “assigned” spot in another part of the house, assign it to the living room and implement your Feng Shui for the whole house there!
hope that helps, and here’s to romance finding you this year! xo