First up in our 5 Elements series: WOOD. When it comes to personal growth, WOOD is where it’s at. If you’re wondering how rooted your WOOD energy is, here are a few Qs to get the party started!

Do you take initiative and start new projects?

Do you manage change without feeling overwhelmed?

Are you slow to anger?

Would you consider yourself resilient and adaptable after a setback?

If you answered YES to most (or all), your WOOD energy is blossoming in the right direction! To initiate any change in our lives, we need enough ambition to take action while at the same time remaining flexible. Much like a tree, steady resilience is imperative when facing challenges.

In this episode, we look at several ways this element’s presence branches into our lives. I also share a few suggestions to galvanize the energy of WOOD in your surroundings right now! xo