simple shui | a client story

i mentioned to someone recently a shui cure for a sticky problem they were having. her response, “feng shui can do that?”

“feng shui is how i bring answers to life. but now i am curious. . .what do you think feng shui is?”

“clearing clutter and arranging furniture.”


shui is like catnip for good energy. and good energy is anything + everything that upgrades our feelings + opportunities + well-being.

so, how about a little story to illustrate how it can work when it’s not busy de-cluttering or moving rooms around?

here is a text exchange between a client and me a few weeks ago:

her: i need some help si vous plait. harrison is up for a kindergarten lottery pick next friday and i’d like to send out all the good ju ju i can to maximize his luck. montessori only has 1 spot (and about 100+ applicants) and STEM has 22 spots with about 400 applicants. this mama is on pins and needles!!!

1. go to the family area — this is associated with the first son’s energy. put something in this space that represents school acceptance for him — it could be a globe (educational pursuits), a new plant (growth), even some Kindergarten school supplies. set your intention.

2. go to your helpful people area — this is all about right people + perfect timing. take a silver box (and it doesn’t matter if you have to simply cover a shoe box with aluminum foil). on a piece of paper in red ink, write a few lines of gratitude about the outcome you desire as if it’s happened. “i am so grateful harrison was selected for… ” or something like that. put the request in the box, and keep this box in the helpful people area. leave it alone, knowing and intending for seen + unseen forces to collaborate and orchestrate on your behalf.

3. finally, the skills + knowledge area is all about education and anchoring support for new endeavors. so, maybe some books or an image of a mountain in this area. it holds that earth energy which is very supportive + stable during these transitions.

you don’t need to do all — simply whatever resonates. and if he doesn’t get in right away, remember the cures are still working. it could be that a slot opens later (due to another applicant’s circumstances).  or perhaps something better is around the corner.

{a few hours later. . .}

her: in my helpful section. . .

in my knowledge section – books, cool messages like Yes Please, and his rock collection from all of our travels stacked in a pyramid.

and in the family section, his name sign and a new African violet.


anything else i should place?

me: it’s ALL perfect!!! and i’m guessing he’s feeling super recognized — haha! it’s in the universe’s hands now. keep me posted!

{less than a couple weeks later. . .}

my phone rings. it’s her, and bada bing, bada boom! he’s been given one of those coveted spots. even better? he was accepted to the program that extends enrollment to siblings! like i say, shui over-delivers all the time.

shui is about clearing clutter and moving furniture.

but it’s also about. . .

selling a house. . .or buying one. . .or moving in.

shaking a funk. . .

manifesting that “thing” – you know, the job, the move, the “right one”. . .

closing the BIG deal. . .

kicking the anxiety. . .falling asleep. . .clearing the mental chatter. . .

getting unstuck. . .

claiming back your power. . .

overhauling a part of your life. . .fine tuning the details. . .discovering new horizons.

shui is how we invite + hold LOVE and happiness in our surroundings. and whatever that “carrot” is for you, shui has a few ideas to help you bring it home.
