simple shui | a client story

the very best part of shui for me is witnessing the transformations it creates in a client’s home and life. i’ve been hesitant over the years to share the details + stories because client’s results are so diverse and specific to their needs, i never wanted potential clients to dilute their own expectations with someone else’s results.

and then, i got real.

because the only way i can help you with shui is to show what is actually possible.


if you’ve ever wondered… how do i land that interview? what can i do to get in front of the right people? how can i be heard + seen?…then, today’s post is for you.

sasha came to me with an open mind + a willingness to work + offered me generous feedback – in other words, a dream client.

she felt plagued that as a writer + coach with a foot in the corporate world, her words weren’t connecting with their intended audience. more specifically, she felt her messages weren’t being acknowledged. people would speak over her. she felt “surrounded by a muffling cloud.” we began working together just as she completed an elbow deep clutter purge. so, her house was free of congestion, making it the perfect game board for some simple shui success.

a client’s descriptions are often rich with words and clues that tell me what to look for + address within a space. shui is always environmental metaphor, and with her “symptoms” in mind, i knew exactly where to begin. . .

(1)   any time a client desires to be heard + seen, i am going straight to the front door.

i know you tire of hearing about the front door, but people. i get around, and i see front doors ALL the time. trust me, this cannot be trumpeted enough. make sure your door/porch is inviting. it is where auspicious opportunity shows up. imagine hosting an elaborate party but never sending out the invites – who is going to come if they don’t know it’s happening? the planning + decor + treats don’t mean a thing if the invitation was overlooked.


and your front door IS the invitation to whatever it is you desire welcoming into your life.

so, wipe down the door. sweep the porch. replace the front door mat. switch out burned out light bulbs with some new wattage. add something fresh outside, like a potted evergreen or blooms. hang a wind chime. just do something to make your entrance entrancing.


(2)   when we feel out of flow, it suggests an elemental imbalance {there are five shui elements – and sometimes a couple are more dominant in a space causing it}. now, every home has its own style so i won’t broad stroke an answer here, but i will suggest incorporating moving water when things feel stagnant or stuck.

water is incredibly powerful — it is a shape shifter because it can reach anywhere. depictions of moving water include water itself (think: a fish tank, a water fountain, even a teapot of boiling water once a day works). it is also expressed through pictures of moving water (maybe not crashing waves, okay?), mirrors, glass/crystal, dark colors (think: hunter green, aubergine, black), or anything with swirl or wave shapes. water puts us into the flow of life.

(3)   when we want to “light up” our presence and draw people to us, this says “fire, fire, FIRE” all the way, baby!

a mentor shared this simple candle cure with me. it works best in the middle back part of your home or a room – this area is considered the fame + reputation area and it loves fire. buy 9 red tea light candles. as the day begins, light all 9 candles with a very specific intention regarding your desire. the candles don’t need to burn down; the flame merely must meet the wax. blow them out. do this daily, and you spotlight yourself and invite illuminating opportunities.

after our initial consult, sasha swept the porch. on its heels, she received an email confirming a phone interview she wanted. the invitation to come onsite happened after she put a potted plant on the porch. in her words, “i didn’t even do (to my estimation) that wonderful on the interview, but he was actually helping me out on the phone and said he definitely wanted me to come in even though i didn’t answer the one technical question.”

more amazing? she did the red candle ritual the next morning. later that day, she had a scheduled call with a career placement service. when the consultant asked her what she wanted to do, sasha took a leap and said she desired expanding her coaching practice — she wanted to find ways to integrate it into her professional life. turned out, the consultant provides life coaching on the side and gave her some business building tips. totally unexpected + super helpful + encouraging.

shui is a layered process, and this is a mere snapshot of where sasha and i began. but what many clients discover as they make changes throughout their space is their own creative genius comes alive. ideas + inspiration percolate, and they are eager to keep the momentum going. sasha is no exception. her story is still blossoming, and i’ll be writing more about it soon.

got Q’s? send them my way. and if an idea above resonates with you, go with it. live into the possibilities that these few simple suggestions can create. i have no doubt they will bring joy + happiness into your home, too.
