simple shui | a client story

i gifted her a copy of the feng shui map over her house sketch many, many blue moons ago.

at the time, we had a light conversation about it + ways she could play up good energy around her.

several years later, i am space clearing her house.

our conversation this time, a little more serious.

whenever we feel stuck for too long, it’s hard to muster enough energy + trust to do anything.

yet, this is when we are primed for a showstopping surprise.

i tell her it only takes 1 or 2 changes for the cosmos to step forth on our behalf. that the little things we do to show our home TLC often brew the strongest results.

last week, we see each other at a neighborhood party – and she is beaming.

“i have a new job! and you want to know the craziest part about it? i decided to really clean my china hutch out. i completely emptied it and washed every single thing. and before the week was over, i had a call from someone who had seen my resume on career builder. career builder! i wasn’t even active on their site. isn’t my hutch in the wealth section?”

i smiled BIG.

“it’s in your career area. and as crazy as it might sound to others, it doesn’t surprise me one bit.”

i LOVE stories like this. lucky me, i hear them all the time.

simple + feng shui + career feng shui + feng shui consultant



shui works if you do.

i couldn’t do this work if i wasn’t witnessing consistently positive changes.

talk about shui, and we want to over-complicate it. out-think it. worry if we don’t understand it, shui won’t work for us.

shui isn’t a diva like that.

instead, just doing something – even as simple as really cleaning one area of our house out – can change the direction + flavor of our life in a blink. all we have to believe is making something a little better is better.

tune into how your house feels.

where do you feel pulled to give it some attention?

trust its call.

stay the course.

and watch what opens up.

because if you shui now, you will absolutely shine later.


p.s. want more ideas + inspo of how to clear blocks in your life? check out my workbooks. there’s plenty to tap from each one, including daily rituals to keep you from feeling adrift + 12 ways to play with shui in your space today. because a little better anything is a little better for everything.

p.s.s. if you’ve been wanting to schedule a consult, don’t wait! my tiers + pricing are all changing this week, but i will honor the current rates through saturday! so, if you’ve been on the fence, i’d LOVE to help you get your shui swagger on!
