simple shui | fiercing forward

want to know the best part about what i do?

it’s the company + conversation i discover around every corner.

from the blog to my travels to social media and each of you – i am always surrounded by grace and generosity.

i LOVE hearing fresh perspectives on shui, and i LOVE how beautifully it cross pollinates with other people’s passions. so, when ashley commented on this post, i was intrigued by her invitation to collaborate. and when we met for a conversation, holy love! here is a woman contagiously centered in her being – not only is ashley fierce, she claims and armors herself in ambition daily.

like ashley, i believe our lives ultimately consist of the daily decisions: the ones we think don’t matter immediately; the choices we habitually postpone; the commitments we put off until “next monday”; the decisions that would inch us toward something better but require mounds of courage. and yet, these seemingly small decisions are the portals to our creativity, energy, love, and genius – they are invitations + the embodiment of fiercing forward.

so, it is my pleasure and privilege to be featured over on Fierce Forward today, where we are talking about ways shui can get you out of a rut and shape your future. and if you haven’t met ashley yet, hurl yourself into her high octane world. whether you join her movement, follow her on Facebook and Instagram, or like her tweets, here’s what i know for sure: she is inspiration + motivation + empowerment all in one – a tour de force who really does believe in YOU.

read the whole article here.



