simple shui | give your bookshelves a feng shui makeover!

out of everything i’ve ever cleared, books were my Everest. i LOVE my books and good mags as much as you, so what i am about to propose i have done myself. here’s how you finally edit the shelves.

first round, sit with the notion that everyone’s voice + opinions (authors, etc.) is a guest in your space. and while you might LOVE some of their company, you probably don’t feel that way about all of them. once you’ve steeped in their collective company, are there a few magazines you can confidently toss? how about books you just didn’t love or never finished? add those to your pile. finally, white glove your collection and if any are dusty, that’s a good sign you’re not MFEO! recycle +/or donate your pile and then how about a round of virtual high fives?

round two, start thinking in terms of what experiences + stories you want to emulate in your own life. this is where gossipy mags, crime stories, and anything nefarious was easy for me to let go. i prefer voices who inspire creativity + intelligence. likewise, if a book challenges (or provokes) me outside my comfort zone, it remains. however, use your own filter to decide what stays/goes. maybe self-help sparks your gag reflex? if so, that’s where your pile begins! again, release the lackluster voices, and strut your lightness of being.

welcome to round three – this takes the longest because it is both an honest editorial + re-acquaintance process. i LOVE being surrounded by good stories, but when they lose their resonance (if we’re learning, we change > when we change, we outgrow things > this is GOOD!), a dusty shelf of forgotten tales muffles our ability to discern + delight in our own wisdom. so, who have you outgrown? what no longer aligns with your journey today (example: parenting books and your kids have left the nest!)? where are you ready to open up more? this step practically requires you hold every book + flip through its pages before deciding. . .

start with the easy purges, edit the shelves yearly, and you’ll be surprised at how much joy a proper paper purge sparks! and if you have a shelf or two empty when done, let the space breathe new life into your inspiration + creativity! xo