simple shui | q & a

hello, monday!

and, hello, you!

there is a question i am getting asked over and over these days. . .

do you get paid for your blog?

which leads to an inevitable follow up question. . .

why do you write a blog?

and, then, the conversation hovers around. . .

what is it exactly you do?

since i seem to find this flow wherever i go, i thought maybe you wonder the same things, too.

so, here are my answers.

i do not get paid for this blog.

i am a writer with a deep love for editing words and spaces. organizing thoughts and rooms makes me happy. and i love how shui blends our homes and intentions together beautifully.


when i began my blog forever ago, i simply wanted a space where i would practice writing well, time capsule my lovelies’ lives, and share shui inspiration. and, now, it shapes my sense of achievement in a day and satisfies the soul.

how do i make money?

as a writer, i occasionally take on freelance writing and editing projects, although i have accepted fewer assignments over the years because i am more interested in working with people and their spaces. that said, i am always open to interesting writing gigs that give my world a whirl.

what is it exactly i do then?

when i am not blogging or caring for the lovelies + my mister/our house/everything else in between, i do shui consults.

how does a consult work?

in my experience, no two consults are ever identical. but every single one begins the same way.

you determine 3 things you would like to see changed or improved in your life. i ask you to outline your house on a piece of paper so i can draw the bagua map over your sketch. this map shows us what each part of your home symbolically represents.

next, we meet. sometimes, we live close enough and i come into your home, talking and walking through it with shui eyes. i make suggestions, you take notes. other times, a long distance consult is necessary. we chat on the phone, i ask questions, you answer, and i email a report of my recommendations. after a month, i follow up with you.

in all my experience, the results are overwhelmingly positive, sometimes surprisingly sweet, and delightfully successful. i attribute this directly to my clients’ willingness to trust the shui and dive into it. to sidestep resistance and trust me. and allow the shui to support them.

and when they do. . .

i’ve seen a client’s house sell within 6 days of a consult after it had been sitting on the market 4 months.

another client learned her boyfriend had serious extra-curricular activity going on outside of their relationship a couple days after we space cleared her home. needless to say, she cleaned him out of her life.

and a regular client of mine had one foot out the door, ready to leave her job without a plan B. we worked together to boost new job opportunities. two days before her bon voyage, the company offered her a more desirable position with a salary increase. cha-ching!

if you’ve ever danced with the idea of a shui consult, stay tuned. in a few weeks, i will be offering a limited-time mini-consult for my blog readers. more details are coming soon. . .and i am so excited!

now, off you go to a brand new week full of peace, plenty, and happiness.
