simple shui tip: BOOST YOUR MOOD!
crystals are masters at transforming the energy within your surroundings. the saying goes, “you don’t choose your crystal; it chooses you.” however, a little FYI won’t hurt, so here are a few of my favorites:
AMETHYST is believed to ease headaches, prevent nightmares, and impart inner peace. it also eliminates impatience and encourages forward thinking. and, it is considered an excellent stone for meditation.
BLACK ONYX deflects negative energy and protects from harm. it encourages a smooth flow of positive energy and soothes worry and fear. this crystal also heightens self-expression and the positive impact you have on others.
CITRINE promotes self-confidence and clarity. it renews determination and influences a “sunny” disposition. and, it draws success in and protects your wealth. #chaching
JADE is known as the stone of peace and renewal. it aids in staying balanced and level-headed, and it discards negative thinking. it also strengthens your personal chi.

ROSE QUARTZ restores self-image and helps you realize full potential. it is considered a love charm that supports all relationships – self; platonic; romantic; and unconditional. rose quartz highlights our ability to see the best in people and discerns who to avoid. and last but not least, it unleashes the lover within!
now, if you LOVE this, you reaalllyyy ought to check out my book, Simple Shui for Every Day: 365 Ways to Feng Shui Your Life. there are 364 more prompts just as ready to rock and rule your world! and it’s available on Amazon right now! xo