simple shui tip: do the shuffle!

whenever we move things around, we disrupt tired energy patterns in our home. you know, thinking the same thoughts, living the same habits, having the same experience – repeat.


whenever life starts feeling stale, give your home a good shuffle!

don’t know where to start? i have a few ideas for YOU…

turn your vertically lined books to horizontal stacks

swap around drawers – linens, silverware, files in the desk

throw a rug into a different room (or go for bare floors this summer!)

switch around the stacks of cookbooks

rearrange the kitchen cupboards

switch up the refrigerator shelves

push furniture an inch to the left or right (or completely into another room!)

switch lamps out to different rooms

organize the spice drawer / shelf

purge the pantry

clear off the bathroom counters

move 3 things off your TO DO list

stoke the fireplace to light up your home’s energy

move art on the walls around

take everything out of / off your desk, wipe it down, and put everything back (ahhh!)

move an entire room around and try it out for a week

move the fridge magnets around

flip the rugs, mattress, or couch cushions
