simple shui tip: feel the flow

if you’re ready for a professional change, a career move, or a new job…

if you’d like to welcome more ease in your professional pursuits…

if you’re going through a difficult challenge and don’t want to lose your sense of self…

here are a few ways to ‘beauty mark’ the energies available in the Career / Life Journey life area* of your home:

TIP ONE: add a potted succulent or jade plant here – these LOVE holding onto water and are known for attracting good fortune and prosperity.

TIP TWO: suggest “being in the flow” by bringing in water expressions. a water fountain, fish tank, bird bath, watercolors or fresh flowers in a vase all introduce water beautifully.

TIP THREE: keep energy moving smoothly here by (1) minimizing the amount of stuff stored here, and (2) adding light.

TIP FOUR: work with a mirror so it reflects (and doubles!) something that speaks to your professional / money goals. xo