simple shui tip: open up!

Feng Shui translated means “wind water.” wind represents energy; water represents fortune. when wind isn’t blowing or water isn’t flowing, what comes to mind? I often think stale, still, maybe even stifling or parched or lifeless.

prosperity (think: vitalized energy, enthusiasm, money, the “right” people, opportunities, +/or the instincts to follow them) comes into our lives through moving energy, which is why energy needs room IN YOUR ROOMS to move around.

if every shelf is full or the closet is jam-packed…

maybe the drawers don’t open easily or you can’t pull the car into the garage…

perhaps the floor is suffocating under the debris of work or daily stuff…

consider that those tight / covered spaces might be sabotaging whatever refreshments (hope, possibility, invitation for change) are trying to come your way.

try this instead…

leave a couple spaces in every room clear – 20% open space is optimal. sort of like the *hara hachi bu* method (where you eat until you’re 80% full), create a room that is satisfying rather than stuffed.

when we have stuff in every corner of a room, it sends two signals to the Universe: (1) we can’t handle more. (2) we don’t have anywhere to receive its guests (luck and abundance) of honor.


think of a change you’d like to manifest in your life, imbue your space with a little room to breathe, and watch those opportunities begin gathering right before your eyes! xo