simple shui tip: punctuate with red!
in Feng Shui, the color red is associated with good fortune, prosperity and happiness.
it is also symbolic of blood, which is why it is often linked to vitality and life force.
this color also stimulates good chi and expels inauspicious energy.
and because it is the hue associated with Fire, we can deliberately work with it to rev up courage and confidence – the kind that gets noticed! (hello, bold red lip!)
so, if you’re in the mood to stir up a few lucky opportunities, red is the gal to get you warmed up and ready for action.

you might…
splurge on a few bundles of crimson flowers and punctuate your space with this “red-iness”!
woo the sizzle (back) into your love life with a pair of red candles in the bedroom.
write your goals in red ink, and place a pointed quartz crystal on top of them. (this combo amplifies their energy and expedites their fruition.)
work with the 9 red tea light candles ritual to fire up and draw attention your way. (you can find those instructions here.)
place 9 coins in a red envelope, and put them under the front door mat to symbolize money walking into your life.
and if you really want to glam it up, grab a few red ribbons (I encourage ribbons measured out in an increment of 9 – like, 9 centimeters or inches) and tie them to your indoor plant or tree branches. just be sure to do this with a corresponding intention so that this “ornamentation” is working in your favor! xo