simple shui tip: skip the monogramming
when buying a mat for the front door, skip the monogramming. when your name is on the mat – which is meant to be walked on – your name is being walked on, too. (oh, the stories i could tell you about this one!)
the front door is where we welcome auspicious chi into our home. (and to be clear, this is the architecturally-intended front door.)
if you are a regular around here, you’ve seen more than one post on this very topic and might be thinking, “i’ve heard this before, amanda. i get it! the front door is a big deal.”
fair point.
but, let me emphasize just how enormous its influence is.
imagine you are hosting a marvelous party in your home.
some sparkle is strung. festive food awaits. gorgeous bouquets confetti the place. music is streaming. and candles are lit.
as you anticipate your guests, you realize the invitations were never sent.
after all that preparation and intention of a good time, how likely is it anyone will show up?
in shui, the front door is that detail. what happens on the inside matters very much, but without front door shui, your prospects are more ho-hum than HOLLA.
the front door deserves repeated attention and care, which is why it gets repeated mentions from me.

so, here are a few more simple suggestions you can do right now to get the good vibes paddling your way:
TIP ONE: sweep your entryway. i often say when you can do nothing else, sweep. it’s a simple ritual to observe, incredibly powerful and almost anyone can do this.
TIP TWO: wipe down the door and while you clean, set some intentions of what you’d like to invite into your life.
TIP THREE: replace the door mat – especially if it is unwelcoming in any way (think: faded, worn out, dirty) OR has your name on it.
if you buy a new doormat, here is a little ditty i don’t share often — write your intentions on the back side. every time you cross this threshold, you are subconsciously acknowledging those desires and “walking them into your life.”
TIP FOUR: use the front door at least once a day. most of us (myself included) come into our homes through another door, but shui holds that all the rich and robust energy (that we want!) comes through the front door, if it’s wooed and invited in.
want more tips like these? check out my book Simple Shui for Every Day: 365 Ways to Feng Shui Your Life! xo