simple shui tip: woo abundance

abundance is a popular dame around here – people always want to know the shui to woo her attention over to their table. here’s the thing, though – abundance is not exclusive to net worth, income, and windfalls. real abundance embodies all the beauty in our lives: our family and friends; our physical + emotional + spiritual well-being; the belief in our network and available opportunities; and personal resilience and resourcefulness. when we recognize abundance for who she really is, she revels in the attention and that shift has an elegant way of improving greener circumstances.

so, how about a few ways to drum up a conversation and posture yourself for her arrival?

TIP ONE: show your money some R-E-S-P-E-C-T. keep your purse off the floor. designate a space to collect loose bills. balance your accounts regularly.

repetition diminishes helplessness. create a ritual around paying bills. what we appreciate appreciates, so don’t underestimate these money moves because of their simplicity.

TIP TWO: favor success daily by actively looking for proofs of abundance.

and when something is offered to you, don’t interrupt this flow of abundance – whether it’s a compliment, a gesture, or some cold hard cash!

TIP THREE: lifestyle your surroundings.

shui’s primary language is energy, and for money to come in, it needs room to move in. so, you know the drill: clear up the clutter; open the windows and let the light give your home a glow up; make small improvements in your space; and by all means, prioritize beauty.

TIP FOUR: get rich one word at a time.

play with phrases like “it’s a good thing we’re rich” or “i am ready to be [insert your own prosperity prospects here].” and please, please, please focus on the “i have” declarations instead of the “i want” dissatisfactions.

if you LOVE these tips, i have 364+ more in my book Simple Shui Every Day: 365 Ways to Feng Shui Your Life! xo