simple shui | when things don't go your way

whilst moving a couch last week, my shoulder sent an electrifying pain down my arm. full stop. within 24 hours, i was in a doctor’s office hoping for relief. a handful of exercises + (a couple) prescriptions later, my head was heavy with thoughts on aging. as i sunk into said couch back at home to lick my wounds, my lovely complained her throat was ablaze. and back to the doctor it was. this time, a strep positive diagnosis. another prescription in hand and out the door we went into the arms of a long, recovery-laden weekend. . .


the very things i am sharing here today are also things i’ve done in the last 48 hours. because sometimes life calls for a quick pick-me-up ritual when things just don’t seem to go our way.

1. nap, if you can. in shui, there is one thing that reigns supreme when it comes to energy in a home. Y-O-U. the better your energy, the happier your home vibes.

2. turn on some tunes. music fills a home like perfume, infusing a space with hope.

3. open the windows. when your home inhales the fresh breeze, it exhales the heavy stale air.

and if windows can’t be opened, light a candle or a stick of incense. a drop of essential oil onto a cotton ball works marvelously, too. a small gesture of ambiance invites gentler energy into any space.

4. throw something away. what magazines have been lingering unnecessarily? what leftovers in your fridge are past prime? is something nagging for your attention? an easy toss will often usher in a HUGE difference. do not underestimate this mega-watt effort. whenever we create open space — especially during times of chaos or overwhelm — we give our eyes + minds somewhere to rest peacefully. and that open space becomes soul soothing balm.

5. flood your home with light. open the curtains/blinds so sunlight dapples in. turn on the lamps. kindle those candles to life. light is symbolic of fire, and fire represents nourishment + safety + warmth. by stimulating fire, we replenish our inner radiance and spark.


and just because, here are a few bonus suggestions. under normal circumstances, i would employ these shifts in our home, too. but since “heavy lifting” is out of reach temporarily for me. . .

6. fluff the pillows. shake out the rugs. sweep or vacuum. this is one of the simplest ways to refresh a space, and the effort prolongs your furniture, rugs, and floors.

7. pick anything up off the floor that doesn’t belong there. when things linger on the ground, their energy attracts your attention downward. too much stuff on the ground, and the energy becomes anchored there. low and heavy. remember, energy goes where the eye goes. so put your stuff away.

8. rearrange a few pieces of furniture. even if you slide the couch a couple of inches that way or scoot the bed a smidgen this way, the energy in a room will change accordingly. try this whenever you crave a mood boost!

9. take your shui eyes to the center of your home. whatever is happening in the center of a house affects the entire home. to really activate balancing energies, keep this space clutter free and sparkly clean. period.
