simple shui x sandoval: are you ready to TRANSCEND?
easily one of my FAVORITE ways to cleanse and uplift the energy in our home is with Sandoval’s Transcend (Sacred and Clear) Aromatic Incense. these two distinct powder incenses each possess their own impressive restorative medicine. not only do they *power wash* and clear away *expired* energy lingering in our home, the house revival ensures that the good stuff happening in our lives has plenty of room to flourish…
which is why I always have them within reach and LOVE gifting this duo!
so, here’s a peek into how we keep company with this power couple over at chez shui:
I put a few small scoops of Sacred into a selenite bowl, sprinkle a little of the Clear on top, and pinch the powder into a ridge before lighting the powder. once the incense is lit, all sorts of magic begins….

Sacred has a sweet, woody, dare-I-say creamy scent – one that is a reassuring crowd pleaser and believed (thanks to the Sandalwood) to also be pleasing to the gods. and while we’re talking about the Sandalwood, its properties have been reliably used in rituals (for centuries!) for protection and purification. the best part, though, is Sandalwood is often associated with making wishes come true, so I come ready with intentions when working with it! the Sacred incense rounds out our home rejuvenation with Palo Santo, which also scrubs away any negative energy, leaving a fresh opening for positive energy (hello, intentions!) to take its space.
super specifically, I rely on a little Sacred LOVE whenever there’s a gua needing some OOMPH or one (or all) of us under this roof could use a little chakra realignment.
by sprinkling a little Clear on top of the Sacred, New Mexico Desert Sage, California Purple Sage and organic French Lavender co-mingle their wealth of ways to welcome a fresh gust of YES into the energetic conversation.
I almost always introduce Lavender as a gentle *mediator* in any home where family disagreements or unwelcome discord seem to be running the ship. add to its soothing touch, Lavender also has the energetic magic to quiet the ‘negative loop’ sometimes on repeat in our minds, nudging our awareness to the present moment. someone say “simplicity, now?” and with sage in the mix, the Clear incense also mops up any impurities – a cleansing flex that provides a stronger connection to our intuition and that wide realm of unseen helpers here for us.
bottom line: Transcend (Sacred + Clear) is our house hygiene 101. with this duo’s healing power, I can intentionally show and shower compassion in our space so that we’re feeling it, too. and when that’s the energy we steep in, we’re much more receptive and available to receiving its likeness – synchronicities, blessings and possibilities – in return.
curious to unleash this practical magic in your surroundings? use the code SHUITRANSCEND25 when checking out, and you’ll save 25%! how’s that for a *oh my my, so much YES!*?
and on that note, I’ll be back in October with another simple shui x sandoval series darling. in the meantime, be sure to follow Sandoval here and subscribe to the newsletter so you don’t miss one drop of this collaborative series! xo