simple shui x sandoval: hello, PALO!

here we are, nestled now inside the new year – with the Lunar New Year (February 10th) right around the corner.

so, if you still feel 2023 lingering in the air and you’ve got your eyes dazzling with goals (but your motivation could use a little help), do I know just the helper.

meet: Palo Santo

I’ve been working with Palo for over a decade now, so I gotta gush on all its highlights…

no. 1: its smoke is lusciously dense.

tip: when working with a stick, keep the flame to it long enough that the center of the stick glows, and your patience will reward you with plume o’plenty!

no. 2: its fragrance is quite pleasant and people-pleasing.

note: if you like citrus, mint and pine, you’re destined to fall in LOVE with this scent profile. 

no. 3: its cleansing powers mop up negative energy and instill a new layer of peace and protection in its place.

translation: those unwanted thoughts or feelings don’t have the same quick access to you, so you have the ability to concentrate on what does matter to you!

no. 4: like many smoky medicines, Palo Santo creates a line to the divine.

tip: work with it when you need to channel the muses, feel more present-focused, or creatively motivated.

no. 5: could you use a little luck in your corner? Palo Santo is plenty capable of delivering the kind of yang chi that makes luck’s arrival possible!

note: in my experience, it seems to work with everyone just a little differently, which is why I LOVE it as part of a personal ritual.

feeling a wee bit curious about what it can help you do?

might I suggest you give Sandoval’s Palo Santo incense a try? 

no. 6: everything you need arrives in one aesthetically perfect jar.

what I LOVE: you can keep this out and it looks oh-so chic! also, BEST GIFT EVER, so buy one for you, and another for someone you LOVE! 

no. 7: the incense burn time is 20+ minutes.

what I LOVE: you can use this as a timer – you know, to journal, set intentions, or meditate until its burn extinguishes. GENIUS, I KNOW!

no. 8: even if you don’t burn it, this “holy wood” retains and ripples out its healing hands, luck loving, and signature cleansing chi.

tip: keep a cone (or two) on an altar to collectively hold that power near!

no. 9: Palo Santo is an energetic invitation for new beginnings and fresh starts.

note: it is a perfect companion for any home, any time!

and on that note, use code SHUIPALO25 for a little lovin’ savings, and let the good vibes commence!